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DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies in Ndwedwe 2022 Apply Online

DPSA vacancies 2022 @dpsa.gov.za | Government vacancies in Department of Public Service and Administration

DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies in Ndwedwe 2022 Apply Online @dpsa.gov.za. The current opening of DPSA PHC Specialty Manager jobs in Ndwedwe. Subscribe to our newsletter for more upcoming DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancy.

DPSA Government authorities are currently looking for individuals to fill DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies in Ndwedwe. Current PHC Specialty Manager jobs at DPSA are from the DPSA vacancies 2022 Health department. Candidates can Download DPSA z83 form who wants to apply for DPSA PHC Specialty Manager government jobs in Ndwedwe. Additionally, job details of the PHC Specialty Manager post at Department Of Health are discussed in this post further. 

Trending Page:- Current DPSA vacancies of Circular 13 of 2022

Apply Online for DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies in Ndwedwe 2022 @dpsa.gov.za

DPSA vacancies 2022- Health department offering government PHC Specialty Manager vacancy in Ndwedwe. DPSA Department Of Health vacancies 2022 has created a golden chance to get elected for government vacancies in KwaZulu Natal. Despite DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies in the Health Department, numerous other DPSA Jobs available in Ndwedwe.

The Department Of Public Service and Administration is a government authority that delivers employment opportunities. Recently, DPSA Management has released the latest DPSA Circular 13 of 2022 to appoint new members in various government sectors. Currently, the Department Of Health Vacancies is released for the DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancy position. KwaZulu Natal DPSA vacancies aspirants can apply for DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancy as per their Qualifications. 

Current DPSA PHC Specialty Manager post at Department Of Health 2022

Hiring Department:- Department Of Public Service and Administration (DPSA vacancies 2022)
Job Type:- DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies
Vacancies Types: DPSA circular vacancies
Location:- Jobs in Ndwedwe, KwaZulu Natal
Salary Est:- R571 242 – R642 933/- Annually
Closing Date:- 2022-07-15

Requirments for DPSA PHC Specialty Manager jobs:-

  • Diploma / Degree in General Nursing and Midwifery PLUS 1 year post basic qualification in Primary Health Care as per R212 SANC Regulations. Current registration with SANC as a General Nurse, Midwife and Primary Health Care Nurse. A minimum of 9 years appropriate / recognisable experience in nursing after registration as a Professional Nurse with the SANC in general nursing of which at least 5 years must be appropriate / recognisable experience after obtaining the one year post basic qualification in Primary Health Care. A valid driver’s license. Knowledge, Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of Nursing care processes and procedures, nursing statutes, and other relevant legal frameworks. Leadership, organizational, decision making and problem solving abilities within the limit of the public sector and institutional policy framework, Interpersonal skills including public relations, negotiating, conflict handling and counseling skills, Financial and budgetary knowledge pertaining to the relevant resources under management ,Insight into procedure.

How to apply for PHC Specialty Manager DPSA vacancies in Ndwedwe?

After checking your requirements, follow the instructions listed below to apply for DPSA PHC Specialty Manager government jobs in KwaZulu Natal.

  1. Go to the official page of DPSA Circular 13 of 2022 Career page by clicking the apply now button available below.
  2. Download the z83 form and pdf file of the DPSA vacancies you’re applying for. (In this case, we discuss DPSA PHC Specialty Manager Vacancies in Ndwedwe).
  3. Carefully read all the details mentioned in the pdf, and copy the reference number of your chosen DPSA jobs.
  4. Now, fill in the application form and Z83 form by entering your basic information and attaching the certified copies of your qualifications.
  5. Review your application and submit the form at the authority page of DPSA career or send your applications on the official email id of DPSA career.

Download DPSA Circular 13 of 2022 pdf

Apply Online for DPSA PHC Specialty Manager vacancies

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